
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Klefstad. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Arne 1930   Jorid Baun Otto Klefstad Magnhild Gilstad
Astrid 1958   Gunnar Eliassen Sigurd Klefstad Berit Lund
Gøran 1988     Jan Ove Dahl Irene Klefstad
Grete 1958   Arne Aasheim Nils Klefstad Gerd Oppheim
Gunvor 1962   Rune Skåren Sigurd Klefstad Berit Lund
Heidi 1967   Ivar Frode Kjærvik Nils Klefstad Gerd Oppheim
Irene 1963   Jan Ove Dahl Nils Klefstad Gerd Oppheim
Marit 1958   Alf Vikan Sigurd Klefstad Berit Lund
Nils 1935 1986 Gerd Oppheim Otto Klefstad Magnhild Gilstad
Preben 1991     Jan Ove Dahl Irene Klefstad
Sigurd 1929   Berit Lund Otto Klefstad Magnhild Gilstad
Sven 1968     Sigurd Klefstad Berit Lund